

June 26, 2011

Knitting: The Challenge Begins

Filed under: Knitting and Crochet,Uncategorized — sarah @ 12:45 pm

Me and my husband have been married for seven year this year and the theme for this anniversary is wool. So I am taking up knitting and he is taking up crochet. Our first challenges are I am to knit him a scarf and he is crocheting me a coral tea cosy.

I cast of the huge piece of gone wrong fluffy knitting I started like nine years ago now – it was origionally supposed to be a shawl but I lost the use of my hands and stuff and then lost the wool and then was just knitting for the sake of knitting etc.. So it is being turned into a record bag (if I ever get around to it!). Around the time this project was started my husband (then boyfriend) picked out some black fluffy wendy jazz wool for me to knit him a scarf in so that is what I am attempting this challenge in!

I have selected a varigated sock yarn for his project. We also got two books:

Really Wild Tea Cosies by Loani Prior


The Knitter’s Handbook by Hamlyn

I personally plan to be knitting scarfs in the short term – mastering the different stitches in the handbook 🙂 I am starting with garter stitch, 60 stitches for Alaric’s scarf.

July 26, 2009

Knitted Poetry

Filed under: Knitting and Crochet — sarah @ 11:02 am

As part of the centenary of the Poetry Society they are knitting a giant poem! They are currently looking for people to knit or crochet more blank squares!

They have a facebook group too!

This looks like a fun project that combines handicrafts with writing craft 🙂

I wish I was a better knitter.

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