

March 4, 2007


Filed under: Art and Drawings — sarah @ 12:03 pm

Ok, I know I promised ages ago to show you all some of my artwork but I haven’t got round to the scanning etc… I have some shoddy pics here I took with the camera of my doodles in a little A5 notebook I have. These really are light doodles though, so don’t expect anything good! They are all done with a Stabilo black pen, point 88, fine 0.4 art no. 88/46.

snake men

This was me trying out ideas for webcomics – but found something too similair since. 🙁


Ok, I was thinking of gothulu and the like when I drew this – this all started because a gothic horror/dark sci-fi and fantasy imprint is looking for pictures.


More of the same.

club woman

This one is based on a dream I had – the style is me mucking about with ideas of how to illustrate something for Al.

shaggy man

Erm.. I was bored?


Ok, this one again was working on styles for Al’s thing.


In desperation with the fact that I appear not to be able to draw anymore I went hunting for a book. Because of the specific project I’m working on, I was excited to find a book called ‘Anatomy for Fantasy Artists’. I copied this from just inside the front cover; first time I’ve done a copy like this in 4 years. :/

angry man

I was attempting to manga/cartoonise a photo here.

barbas duaghter

This is another one from the book – it’s supposed to be the barber’s daughter. The book makes a big point on how difficult it is to draw children and how right that is. I was copying and have managed to draw her older sister who is blatently a teenager!


Floating heads – I was just trying slightly different styles.


Yes well it was late, ok.

dragon head

I was crossing over styles with this – just doodling really, as they all are!

fat face

Again just trying out different styles.


Ok, I was trying to make someone look ill – and the pen slipped but it’s a nosebleed, ok!

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