

June 24, 2007

Cenentary Cards

Filed under: Kids Projects,Paper Craft — sarah @ 10:08 am

At our Scout’s Centenary camp I found myself in the craft tent. The ladies next to me had made up some Centenary Cards for the kids to make; these were simple and effective!

They had the cards and envelopes already and then they had cut silver squares that would fit neatly on the card, making a diamond. They had also printed lots of little Scouting Centenary motifs which they got the children to colour in and stick on in the centre of the silver diamond. There were also metallic numbers to make up 100 and other sundres for decorative purposes.

centenary card two

They also had edging and other coloured rectangles of card and foil which created some really nice designs!

Centenary card one

Here’s a picture of their equipment!

card making

I would say you need a proper paperĀ guillotine for this sort of project as you need to cut a lot of nice neat rectangles and squares!

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