

August 3, 2008

The Painswick Centre

Filed under: Art and Drawings — sarah @ 5:13 pm

I have been discovering that I am surrounded by local art galleries and exhibitors.

I thought there were some nice pieces of work hanging up though obviously I couldn’t afford the prices which were in the hundreds!

There was even a really cool knitted egg and cress sandwich! It was fantastic.

Admission is free and it’s open from 10am-6pm. The address is:

Painswick Centre (Above the Guild Gallery) Painswick Gloucestestershire GL6 6QQ

The timetable for Summer 08 is:

Andy Lovell, Jo Casling, Jane Garbett: 26th July – 2nd August

Georgina Brocklehurst: 3rd August – 9th August

Jennifer Shonk, Adele Lambert: 10th August – 17th August

Valerie Dugan, Dave Morris, Claire Nayegon: 18th August – 25th August


Unfortunatly there did not seem to be any web addresses anywhere and this was as close as it got for a website for the centre itself :/  But still if you’re in the area you might want to go and have a look!

2 responses to “The Painswick Centre”

  1. […] personally prefered alot of the work in this exhibition compared to the Painswick Centre but it didn’t have a cafe though the people where far more chatty I […]

  2. […] found that there is a shop below the gallery in the Painswick Centre which sells the most amazing stuff (can you tell I’m not local) this shop sells all the […]

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