

October 2, 2011

Three Months of Knitting!

Filed under: Knitting and Crochet,Uncategorized — sarah @ 8:55 pm

This is my last check in I think until six months other than writing up specific projects!

I have joined a community forum thingy called ravelry it is a knitting, crotchet, weaving and spinning community and I found it by trying to find Harry Potter knitting patterns! And then it got suggested by several friends. I’m Saffy on there but spelt with a 5 instead of an S at the beginning – so 5affy.

In joining I discovered just how many things I have knitted and how many things I want to knit!

I have knitted in the last month – a rainbow snake which still needs to be sewn together and have eyes etc… added, a pastel variagated scarf which is in the unraviel pile as the baby pulled it off the needles and I muffed putting it back on etc… a red rose and LEAF! yes I managed a leaf 🙂 And more importantly I sewed the thing together. I also managed a moss stitch coral and off course worked endlessly on the Berry Bear Blanket. I also have two petals of a christmas rose knitted.

Equipement added: I now have a crotchet hook to help with dropped stitches and like a giant safety pin to put knitting on whilst you knit the piece it needs to be attached too. My mother unfortunatly took back her double ended needles :/

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